Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Listen for your full magnificence

I’m definitely feeling the after-effects of my 14.5 mile run this morning, 4.5 more than I’ve done since last June.

Such a long run gave me plenty of thinking time this morning. One of the things I thought about was a concept I was introduced to during my coaching certification course, the concept of listening for other people's full magnificence.

As a coach I am always listening, and looking, for my clients' full magnificence, that part of them that is inspired by everything that's possible, by their dreams and their knowledge of what's truly important to them.

I'm always looking to coach that part of my clients and not the inner critic part that is focused on their limiting beliefs and all the reasons why they just aren't quite good enough as they are.

I love the concept of us all having a side of us that holds our full magnificence. It's the part of us that causes things to happen, creates excellent relationships and is full of gratitude for all that we have in our lives.

It doesn't spend any time on what we think we're lacking. That's definitely the job of our inner critic.

What would it be like to listen for your full magnificence?

And when you find it, make sure you feed that part of you, not the other one.


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