Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

Possibility Reminders

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Believe and it will be

When I was 7 years old I couldn’t swim so my parents sent me to swimming classes at our local swimming pool.

At the start of my first swimming lesson the instructor told me that I could already swim, at which point I jumped into the pool, out of my depth, and proceeded to swim a width.

It wasn’t pretty. I swallowed quite a bit of water and had to be helped out of the pool on the other side, but I had indeed swum.

Since that moment I have always been able to swim.

What happened between the time that I couldn’t swim and the time that I could?

What happened is that someone, who I trusted and who carried enough authority that I believed what he said, told me that I could do it.

After that, there were two defining moments. In the first moment I believed that I could swim. In the moment that followed I acted on my belief and at that moment I became a swimmer.

What is there that you currently believe you can’t do, and yet that belief just may not be the truth?

What would it take for you to change that belief?

Is there someone who you trust and who carries enough authority who could help you to change that belief?

That person is a coach, whether they know it or not.

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