Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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It shouldn't be like this

Conditions on my 3-miler this morning couldn't have been more perfect yet I spent the first few minutes fretting about what I was going to put in my weekly Monday 8am Boost email.

I usually scan things I've saved over the past week to look for something that I think is inspiring or occasionally I put one of my own blog posts in.

But by the time I ran this morning I hadn't come up with anything.

Then a thought occurred to me that I was wasting my run on an absolutely glorious morning desperately trying to think of where to find some material or what to write myself.

After that I considered the possibility that the fact that I couldn't think of anything and that I was on a beautiful run might actually be the perfect place to be in.

And then I thought, "How can this not be perfect? It's the only way that it is, and that it can be, right in this moment. Wishing it was some other way does nothing to help because it is just how it is.

A cloud of resistance just started to evaporate as I thought this and I realised that not only was I now really experiencing and loving my run but I might have also solved my dilemma of the Monday 8am Boost at the same time.

How many times have you ever said that "It shouldn't be like this", whether it was about your life, your relationship, your job or whatever?

Even if you haven't said it, how many times have you thought it?

I don't believe you if you said never.

We often get the way it is and the way we want it to be mixed up.

There's nothing wrong with saying I want to make my life, my relationship, my job, my ... (fill in the blanks) like this in the future, but when we say I want my life to be like this right now (i.e. it shouldn't be like this), we're fighting a losing battle.

It is exactly how it is whether we accept it or resist it, and you know what they say about what you resist, yes it does indeed persist.

So how can what's happening right now be anything other than perfect?

AND you can starting taking action to make it even more perfect now too.

BUt here's the wonderful thing. When you accept how it is right now as perfect and stop resisting it, you immediately start getting some of that perfect feeling that you're looking for right now.

Try it. Yes, right now!

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