Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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That's 3 years

I'm sitting at my laptop writing this with a bag of frozen peas on my right knee as the pain in my knee, mainly when I run uphill, which started 15 days ago, is still niggling.

However on a much brighter note, in spite of my right knee, the mile-and-a-bit I ran earlier this morning means that I have now completed running at least a mile each day for three full years.

Another milestone.

I was thinking on my run this morning that I was 54 when I started this mile each day experiment, which was the age my dad was when he died. What I hadn't realised was that I was also within a month of the exact age he was when it happened.

So why am I still continuing this experiment?

If I'm honest I don't really know.

I do know that it starts my day in a positive way and makes me feel better about myself. It gets my heart working, my blood pumping and it make me feel really alive

And I guess that's reason enough.

So tomorrow will hopefully bring the first day of my 4th year of running a mile each day.

Let's just see where this experiment takes me.

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