Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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When is just another run not one?

What do I write when my morning run was just another run, with no amazing new insights, no brand new thoughts, nothing that leapt out at me as being any different today from any other day?

But then again was it just another run on just another day?

Actually, today was my 762nd consecutive morning run. It's the only 762nd consecutive morning run I will likely ever have.

It's the only 1st February 2012 I, or anyone else, will ever see.

There are things that I may notice, things that I may think, things that I may feel today that I've never noticed, thought or felt before.

I've certainly never blogged these words before.

If I'd known that this morning was going to be my last ever run what would I have done differently?

I would have probably really paid attention to how I felt in my legs, in my chest and in the rest of my body.

I would have probably really paid attention to the feeling of breathing in and out the cold morning air.

I would probably have savoured every moment of the run and tried to experience it fully though all my senses.

How could a run like that ever be the same as any other one?

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