How not to get commitment
There's a cartoon in David Hemery's excellent little book, "How to help children find the champion within themselves", where a mother is sitting in a car next to her daughter saying "Don't you agree that what I am suggesting will be the best for you?"
Although I have been earning my living as a coach for more than eight years, I still recognise myself now at times in that well meaning mother.
What the cartoon also shows is the look on the little girl's face, which is either angry, upset or possibly both.
So I guess I still haven't got it all sorted!
In fact, although the words were different, that scenario was extremely similar to a situation I managed poorly last night.
I have delivered workshops to business people in the past, describing the difference between compliance and commitment.
Telling people to do what you think they should do generally creates compliance, but no buy in.
Asking people what they think and using their ideas and solutions creates real commitment and buy in.
I still have plenty of work to do!