Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

Possibility Reminders

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Entries in Nicky (12)


Sixteen years

Feeling a little tired today after eleven and a half hours of driving and delivering three quite challenging workshops in the last 36 hours.

Today, Nicky and I are celebrating sixteen years of being together with a nice lunch out.

Then it's building my strength up to run the Tunbridge Wells Half-Marathon on Sunday.

Oh yes, and I also ran two gentle miles this morning in daylight again. Very nice.


You can now subscribe

I just found the subscribe widget and have added it to my blog for those of you who wouldn't want to miss one of my postings.?

Ran a really enjoyable 5K with Nicky this morning, before breakfast again. We managed to run in the only cloudy bit of the day, after the early morning glorious bright start and before it got even hotter when the sun intensified.

Did you know it is National Running Day in America today?

One of my thoughts I had today was to encourage those of you who are following the Run a mile each day Facebook page to post photos of sights you come across on your daily runs.

I guess I should probably start the ball rolling.


Rabbit in the headlights

I don't think I'm the only one who gets this occasionally because some of my clients have described something similar, but I was awake last night at 3.00 am with "night terrors", feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. I can only describe it as feeling like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. It's really hard to get back to sleep when I get this.

I did finally get back to sleep but when I woke up this morning I used my two most trusted techniques for picking me up for the day. I spent a good twenty to thirty minutes with pen and notebook doing a complete brain dump of everything I was thinking and feeling in the night, what I was thinking and feeling then and how I was going to approach my day.

After my journalling I followed it up with running my mile with Nicky, followed by a couple of pacier miles on my own.

I now feel fired up, energised and inspired for the day ahead, even if it is still blowing and raining outside.

Oh, and that was day 90 by the way. 3 months completed!


a machine built to run

Nicky is now on her last few days and then she will have completed her 40 days running a mile each day for Lent. She is wondering whether to keep it going after her 40 days.

I've now done 85 days, or 138 miles, or 26 hours of running. I'm looking forward to next Thursday when hopefully I will be starting month 4 of running a mile each day.

I'm beginning to get itchy feet again to increase my running or to commit to a new challenge. It occurred to me that the marathons that I have run in the past all seem to have been triggers for other significant events opening up in my life. Once that thought entered my head it feels like I may be on a slippery slope.

The title I thought of for today's post comes from yet another quote from Christopher McDougall's "Born To Run". The full quote goes something like, "we're a machine built to run - and the machine never wears out. You don't stop running because you get old... you get old because you stop running."



Riding a bike in the drizzle

I added just over two extra miles to Nicky's and my "mile and a bit" again, which gave me a total of three and a half miles this morning.

Got out on my bike, to get to and from a client appointment, for about four miles after a misunderstanding about who needed the car. I really enjoyed it even though it started drizzling pretty much as soon as I left home. Putting aside all environmental arguments, I prefer being on the bike than in the car apart from in extreme weather conditions.