Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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You can do anything

Lack of responsibility is the main reason the majority of people who try to lose weight, give up smoking or make a dramatic change in their life, fail to achieve their goal.

We all (at least most of us) seem to want someone else to do it for us.

So we read books with the answers, we hire experts with the techniques and proven track record, we pay a cheque (or put it on a credit card) for the course, and yet we still don’t get the “right” result.

But the truth is that there is no shortcut.

Yes, there are guidelines, advice, pointers and other people’s experience, all of which can help us to make the change, but ultimately no matter how much we pay, what we read, who we speak to, we have to do the work ourselves to make the change.

It may sound scary, but come and look at it from this perspective.

We have the power and the ability to alter our lives, take control and get what we really want.

Yes, things will get in our way and it won’t necessarily work exactly as we imagined, but if we take responsibility for the result, nothing can stop us.

Responsibility is awesome.

With it, you can do anything.

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