Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Watch your step

Running is such a good metaphor for life.

This morning it was cold, wet and dark and at one point I was running downhill on an unmade road full of potholes with my head-torch.

When it’s daylight, and especially when it’s sunny, you can see a long way ahead of you, and you can also easily see around you too.

You also have to keep your eye open for your next few steps, especially when you’re going downhill on an unmade road.

But when it’s dark, even when you have a head-torch, you can no longer see the bigger picture of where you’re going. You have to concentrate on the next step or two and that’s all.

All of this is so true about life in general.

When life feels sunny, that’s the time to look ahead and see the inspiring vision ahead of you and notice what’s around. Of course you have to keep an eye open for your next few steps too, but the sunny vision creates an overall feeling that spurs you on.

When you’re feeling in a darker place, the vision disappears, and when you look for it, it is just dark and gloomy anyway.

The only thing to do is take the next step and keep your eyes just on that next step or two.

If you keep going long enough the sun will rise again. It always does.

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