Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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The purpose of connection

Connection is my number one value, and the reason I believe it is so important is that it exists at many different levels.

Connection is when you are relating to another human being at the level of their dreams, their aspirations, their strengths and their vulnerability. It’s when you understand what really makes them feel alive.

Connection is also when you communicate with you inner self, not your inner critic, who is a past master at pointing out all your inadequacies, why you’re going to fail and that you’re just not good enough the way you are.

No, this is communicating with the real you. The you that has your own dreams and possibilities, the you that knows you are good enough just as you are, the you that knows there is nothing more you need to do, know, have or be to become good enough. You’re already there now.

Connection can also be the feeling of a close relationship with something bigger than you. That could be nature or a higher power, when you feel that you’re a part of it and not a separate entity.

You know the feeling when you are somewhere that you find so peaceful and beautiful that it physically lifts you and inspires you. That’s when you’ve connected and you know that you are an integral part of it.

Connection with something bigger can also be a purpose that is bigger than you. It could be about helping others, or it could be about making your workplace, your community, your country or the world a better place to be.

It could be about leaving a legacy that will outlast you.

All the levels of connection are what make life worth living.

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