Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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A journey of a thousand days...

To slightly change Lao Tsu's original quote, a journey of a thousand days of at least a mile each day does indeed begin with a single step.

This morning I completed that thousandth day and, according to my log, a total of just over 2,310 miles and nearly 398 hours.

Even though I knew it would be my thousandth day of running, getting out of bed to start that run was one of my harder mornings today.

So we talk about the importance of the first step, the one when you walk out of your door, but that's actually not the start.

For me this morning the first, and most important, step was the one when my right foot touched the floor as it left my bed. And that first step has been repeated 1,000 times during the last two and three quarter years.

The biggest thing I've learned during my mile each day experiment (so far) is the power of habits that are small enough that you can achieve them every single day.

Taking on one small habit like that can literally change your life.

What small daily habit could change your life, and what will be your first step today and every day?

Reader Comments (2)

When I read this post I was reminded of David Whyte's poem - Start Close In:

Start close in,
don't take the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step
the step you don't want to take...

September 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSusanna

Well done mate. I'm totally blown away by how you've held this commitment.
Looking forward to getting more nuggets of such rich learning from you.

A big question I have right now is, how do I know what daily habit I need to learn?

September 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNick Robinson

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