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"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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The mental crutch

This morning I completed the last run of my 30th month of my daily mile.

It's been a good month running wise.

I ran 99.9 miles in 30 days, running 9 times every week except one, when I only ran eight times.

The other thing that I've managed to do, for the first time since I tore the cartilage and ligament in my left knee back in 1985, is abandon my neoprene knee support. Thanks for the prompt Sarah! :-)

I've been running all this week without my trusty knee support, including a 9-miler cross country, which is great.

It just goes to show that my knee support has been more of a mental crutch than a physical one, and it's probably been that way for quite a long time.

I wonder where else I'm using a mental crutch that I don't really need?

And what about you?

Could you have a limiting belief that you are using as a crutch when it actually outserved its usefulness many years ago?

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