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"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Happy stag morning 

I did 5.7 miles this morning. I say did because I struggled with, and therefore walked up,  several of the hills in the latter stages of my run.

I guess I'm not as acclimatised to the increased temperature as I thought I was.

I ran across the top of Happy Valley and past the Beacon this morning, two of the best named places around here, I think.

My spirits never fail to lift when I go across the top of Happy Valley.

Why can't more places have uplifting names like these?

Wouldn't it be great to run along Fun Lane, up Smiley Hill and round Laugh-out-Loud Crescent?

Just near the end of the path along the top of Happy Valley, I encountered a young stag sporting six inches of relatively new antlers.

He stopped and watched me as I ran towards him, then took a few steps off to the side and just watched me run past him about ten feet away.

Moments like these when I'm running make me realise that life is indeed very good, and couldn't be any better.

I thought that the young stag showed both curiosity and courage in the way he stood and watched me running towards him, then moved slowly to the side and stood his ground, watching me pass.

So my enquiry for the day is what could I do to increase my own curiosity and courage?

For that matter, what about you?

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    The Coaching Approach - A Mile Each Day Blog - Happy stag morning

Reader Comments (1)

These information helps me consider some useful things, keep up the good work.

November 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRent iPad 3

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