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"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Having fun in the rain

I reall enjoyed my run in the rain this morning. I haven't run in wet weather for a while here in this drought-concerned area of the country.

As I ran, thinking how much fun I was having, I remembered running with someone recently who said "I don't do running in the rain".

I didn't question it at the time, but this morning I was wondering why it was that person had decided they don't do, that means never do, running in the rain.

I guess I could understand it better if they had said "I prefer running when it's not raining" or "I hardly ever run in the rain", but never?

That means if they decide they want to run a race and it's the most important race, or even the first race, they've ever run, will they not do it if it's a rainy day?

What if it starts off sunny, clouds over and then the heavens open? In that case, I think it hugely preferable to run for home and get in the dry reasonably quickly, than to slow to a walk and then plod all the way back in the rain. I, for one, would get cold.

I admit it's sometimes harder getting going when it's already raining hard, but once I get moving it's fine.

Isn't that's a bit like what it's like running anyway?

When it's raining, it's the most likely time you'll hear people saying things like, "it's a miserable day" or "isn't this weather depressing?"

In my mind there's no better place to be when the rain's coming down than out there running in it. As I run I see people desperately scurrying along trying to get out of it as soon as possible.

Me, I'm warm, breathing in the fresh air and just having fun.

If you want to change miserable to happy and depressing to fun, go run in the rain.

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