Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

Possibility Reminders

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Take the next step

Last night I had fun supporting the 5-mile group with Sarah's Runners, but as a result this morning my knee was sore and I felt pretty stiff.

If I hadn’t had the push of my mile-a-day habit then I would probably not have gone out this morning. I would have given myself a rest.

But if I had allowed myself the rest then I wouldn’t have had the thrill of coming across a beautiful deer standing in the middle of a residential street while I was running at 6.30 in the morning, a completely unexpected experience and a completely delightful one that gave my spirits a wonderful lift.

It just reconfirms once again the importance of daily habits that support you in continuing to explore the life you want to lead. If I hadn’t implemented the mile-a-day habit I wouldn’t have had that experience.

The other important principle that goes alongside this is the one of “take the next step”.

The great thing about a habit is all you need to focus on is doing the habit today. Tomorrow is irrelevant for now.

And in fact all you need to concentrate on is taking the next step. The one after that can follow or not. You are always at choice in the matter.

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