Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Take a run on the wild side

It was pretty wild on my mile-and-a-bit route this morning at 5 am.

The wind was blowing up a storm and the rain was being thrown this way and that, but it was still plenty warm enough for me running in shorts and a T shirt with my trusty head torch.

But I haven't come back on such a high in ages. It was fun and exciting and I absolutely loved it!

I have to admit that I didn't relish the thought of going out there. I had images of branches crashing down on me and wanting to get back inside as quickly as possible.

It has fascinated me now for a number of years how these funny things called comfort zones and fear often keep us from experiencing some of the really good things that life has to offer.

I know from personal experience that the security blanket of my comfort zone and my fear of experiencing something really unpleasant that I might not be able to handle has stopped me taking on challenges in a number of areas of my life.

But my daily mile habit pulled me out of my comfort zone and past my fear this morning.

Guess what.

My comfort zone and fear are frequently so wrong it's not true.

This morning proved the point.

Where are you letting your comfort zone and fear stop you from experiencing something fun and exciting?

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