Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Reinvent your New Year

Having never been a particular fan of New Year’s resolutions, I’ve been inspired by a couple of new alternatives that I’ve just discovered via Chris Brogan and Jacqueline Carly.

Chris Brogan has used a technique for the past several years of coming up with 3 words that he then uses as beacons to guide him throughout the coming year.

You choose 3 words that “will bolster you and give you a direction that goes beyond your goals”.

The 3 words I’ve chosen for 2012 are:

Simplify – I will de-clutter my workspace, my living space, my ideas and my approach to my business and my life, simplifying wherever and whenever possible.

Connect – I will use every opportunity to connect more deeply with other people, with nature, to my intuition and my “other than conscious” self.

Show up – Yes, I know it’s two words, but it’s a 2-word phrase that means one thing to me. I will show up whenever it occurs to me that it might be a good opportunity to do something exciting, inspiring and true to myself, even though it carries risk.

Jacqueline Carly’s technique is based on the same principle by which my “run a mile each day” started.

She calls it a “12 in 12”, which is 12 things that she commits to do, no matter the outcome, in 2012.

You choose one thing that you commit to do every day in January.

At the end of January you commit to do one new thing in February, whilst deciding whether to keep going with January’s one thing.

You then continue this each month of 2012.

For details see Jacqui’s 12 in 12.

My commitment for January is to clear my office space (desk, floor, sofa) at the end of each day.

I'll decide February's commitment in 4 weeks, and will also decide whether to keep going with the office clearing then too.

Have fun!

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