Quote of the moment

"We are not problems waiting to be solved, but potential waiting to unfold.”

Frederic Laloux

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Behind you (oh no they're not)

Whilst watching a pantomime that my daughter was appearing in yesterday, it struck me what a fantastic example the cast were of a high performing team.

Many of us spend much of our time in our workplaces thinking how we can do better, so that we can personally be rewarded better and gain the recognition we believe we deserve.

We can ignore our work colleagues when we’re going through this thought process.

What the pantomime cast showed me yesterday was that each actor was not only focused on delivering their own best performance, but they were very aware that the experience of the audience would only be maximised if each of them ensured that all their fellow cast members were also able to give their own best performance.

And they went out of their way to ensure that happened.

What can you do to make sure that your work colleagues are also able to give their best?

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