I'm not on my own!
I ran a two-miler this morning, as I enter my 11th month of my original one-month experiment, and an excellent 5K on both Saturday and Sunday.
Both of my weekend runs were great because I somehow managed to engage my creative part of my brain on both days.
One of the thoughts that I had was that although connection is one of my five key values, and I know that I really enjoy making a difference with others, I'm really not very good at asking others to help or make a difference to me.
This was actually quite a thunderbolt.
I do love the fact that I can learn something really fundamental about myself at any time.
This realisation was also a real eye opener when I came to look at my own life circumstances.
How many times have I gently explained to a client that being a success doesn't mean you have to do it all on your own, and that almost all successful people have a support team behind or beside them?
I wonder what difference that might make to my life?
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