Apparently, "Leonardo da Vinci considered the human foot, with its fantastic weight-suspension system comprising one quarter of all the bones in the human body, a "masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.""
"No wonder your feet are so sensitive..... They're self-correcting devices. Covering your feet with cushioned shoes is like turning off your smoke alarms."
Both above quotes come from the wonderful "Born To Run" book I mentioned yesterday.
As I was working at home all day yesterday, I wore slippers (I can't believe I finally bought bedroom slippers!) around the house. I noticed this morning that my mild plantar fasciitis was slightly worse, so today only socks will grace my feet unless I leave the house.
I'm becoming more and more fascinated with the whole barefoot movement and think I'll do some research.
Anyway, 50 consecutive days of running. That feels like a milestone (pardon the pun) that is quietly satisfying.
And by the way, I can't believe it was trying to snow again during this morning's run!