A fantastic book by Matthew Syed, exploding the myth that only those with "special" talent can be great achievers. Syed provides evidence in case after case that top achievers have one thing in common, that they have put in at least 10,000 hours of focused practice on their specialist skill. There is hope for everyone one of us if we're prepared to work for it, as opposed to wanting immediate celebrity status!
What motivates people to work? Apparently setting goals can demotivate, unless the goals are self-imposed and work towards mastery. Plenty of other new insights into what motivates us in the 21st century.
Have you ever thought you were in the wrong career but haven't known how to find the right one? Did you ever wonder how is it that some people don't see what they do for a living as work because they find it such fun? If so, this book is a must read.